Y2AM Ministry Plan

GOYA | Y2AM Ministry Plan 2024-2025
September 2024: The Soul and the Body
October 2024: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
November 2024: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
December 2024: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
January 2025: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
February 2025: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
March 2025: Virtues and Vices - Pursuing God in His Saints
From the Archives
View the Ministry Plans for JOY, GOYA, Young Adults, and Families from past years at the following links:
I am so excited about this year’s Ministry Plan from Y2AM! These free materials equip ministry workers to cultivate an environment where young people are safe to explore their faith, sharing their hopes, their struggles and their doubts. If you're wondering how to bring vitality and meaning to your ministries, start here.
— Elissa Bjeletich, podcaster and author
The Y2AM Ministry Plan offer a rich harvest of resources that can be fed to those hungering for Christ. With this great tool, there is no need to waste scarce time and talent developing your own materials: we’re equipped both with spiritual fruits and the time we need to feed the Word of God to yearning souls.
— Father Bill Gikas, parish priest
This resource supports ministry workers with a complete curriculum, thoughtful sessions and activities for all ages, which we can utilize throughout the ecclesiastical year. The Y2AM Ministry Plan helps to bring youth, young adults, and families into a deeper relationship with Christ on their journey toward the Kingdom.
— Eva Konstantakos, Director of Y2AM Detroit
Discover the level and month of the Ministry Plan that's right for you.
Look over the Ministry Plan session and prepare to lead it.
Lead an incredible, Christ-centered ministry experience.